The right tools for the trade
A wide range of mannequin styles and sizes allows us to present your garments exactly how you imagine them, looking their absolute best.
We prepare your products on arrival, carefully steaming and hanging to ensure a perfect finish.
Our photographers create the perfect lighting and styling based on your brief to achieve perfect invisible or ghost mannequin images.
Spectres of the studio
The mannequin form shows off shape, drape and fit, giving your customers confidence in buying a garment that is right for them.
Clever construction and designer details are all brought to life.
Our photographers work to ensure minimal retouching is required, but for this look some extra magic is necessary.

Inserting necklines and waistbands, straightening seams and ensuring perfect colour matches are all in a day’s work for our skilled team. We remove all traces of mannequin to leave behind an image that perfectly captures your product’s fit in 3D.
We give your images their final polish — showing off your fashion favourites in full, uninterrupted glory.
Consistency is key
Presenting your products with accurate, defined styling strengthens your brand image.
Repeating the same styling and lighting consistently for every garment is key to success and creating a unified message across your website.
We monitor your images to ensure your new styles in your best-selling colours look exactly the same as their predecessors — time after time, from season to season.
As a leading ghost mannequin photography agency, we’re trusted by fashion brands of all types and sizes to deliver consistent, clean, quality imagery.

Creative mannequin
Take your ecommerce to another level.
Clipped lighting and dramatic dark backgrounds emphasise contrasts, making your garments really pop.
Bringing in some added extra special effects creates real wow-factor images for promotions and social channels. Perfect for grabbing the attention and highlighting those key features.

We style your styles!
Special features
Ghost mannequin captures all those qualities and features. Show off, for instance, that reflective detail with dark backgrounds, carefully lit to bring out the safety features of your garments.

Fashion in motion
Stop motion animation enhances your website and social media content in many ways. Delight and entertain your audiences with the magic of animation.
Animated shorts or shirts?
Presenting your garments and accessories using moving imagery has a positive impact on your customer engagement. Generate more likes and followers through creative animated shorts.
Bring your products to life with a modelled fashion shoot. Arrange castings, source models, book stylists... anything you need, we can provide.
Still Life
Social platforms are powerful online selling tools. Stand out in the busy marketplace with content-ready creative still life photography.
The cherry on the cake of fashion — don't let your finishing touches and key features be a sideline. Jewellery, sunglasses, belts, gloves, bags… elevate your ranges with exciting product photography.
Prodoto: leaders in ghost mannequin photography
We’re here to help and ready to listen. With over 1,200 clients serviced, we’re ready to help. Drop us a message to discuss your project.